On sample date 3/23/23, for the first time since starting collecting data on 10/21, conductivity at DCPS3 was higher than conductivity at DC617: 633 µs/cm to 545 µs/cm respectively. As is typically the case, sodium chloride levels were slightly higher at DC617: 0.015 %NaCl at DC617 compared to 0.014 %NaCl at DCPS3, so the elevated conductivity level at DCPS3 is presumably not due to sodium chloride. Perhaps it is due to a more specific spring fertilizer application near DCPS3? Did anyone else notice elevated conductivity levels at their sites for the same sampling window? Any other ideas as to what might cause this? I am planning to retest conductivity, pH, and chloride strip for both sites on April 6 to see if DCPS3 conductivity remains elevated compared to DC617.
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According to the U.S. Geological Survey, road salt use today is more than 20 times greater than in the 1950s.
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